Monday, February 14, 2022

Your Adventure Should Honor God (Use Your Talents and Gifts for God)

God has given each of us at least one talent or gift.  He has given us this to serve Him, build the Kingdom of Heaven, and bless others.  We have to remember that while we are on this adventure, we must honor Him by Using our talents and gifts for Him.

As I mentioned in Entrusted with the Journey, God has entrusted us with things and people to take on our journey and on the adventures we go on for Him.  Matthew 25:14 (NASB) reminds us that we are entrusted with God’s possessions… “For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them.”  If we have 1 talent or gift, God is trusting us with it.  If we have 3 talents or gifts, God is trusting us with them. If we have 5 talents or gifts, God is trusting us with them.  You have been trusted.  You must not be like worthless servant and not use your talents at all. (Matthew 25:24-25 NASB). “‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed. And I was afraid, so I went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you still have what is yours.’”


Here is some help to help you use your talents and gifts for God.


First, you must learn about yourself.  You have to learn your uniqueness to the body.  We all have individual gifts and talents that God has given us to use to edify the body of Christ.  You have to find out what your gifts and talents are.  That takes times, but you can find out what your talents are.  (To get some help with this, visit the Sermon Series Application post for January’s sermons.)


Secondly, you have to remember you have a responsibility to the Kingdom of God.  God has given us assignments on our journey.  Many times, they are at our local church.  We are called to united with a local body of believers and work to edify and serve the body of believers there.  There are usually endless opportunities to use you gifts and talents at your local church, all you have to do is pick one.  So, find a church home where

 you feel welcomed and like part of the family and become involved with a ministry.

Thirdly, we have a duty to God.  We have to use our talents and gifts to get to know Jesus in a personal way.  Jesus was a servant, and as we serve, we will learn a servant’s heart and how to bless others as Jesus did.  We also must become closer to God by serving Him.  As we use or gifts and talents to serve others, we are serving God.  As we serve Him, we will get to know Him in a more real way.  We must serve others to be a blessing and encouragement to the body of Christ.  We have a purpose to build the Kingdom of God, and we do this by using the gifts and talents God has given us to help others when they are weak, need encouragement, need guidance, or just need a friend.  We are called to serve.


But, while we are using out talents and gifts for God, we must be careful that we do not get in our own way.  We get in our own way by becoming overzealous, getting weary in doing good, becoming self-centered, and becoming a performer.  When we become overzealous, we become judgmental, condemning, focused or works, and end up doing too much.  We must keep our eyes on God so that we do not get caught up in being enthusiastic to the point that we are obsessive.  When we get weary in well doing, we are usually over extended, trying to do everything, burnt out, involved in other people’s stuff, and are just doing too much.  We must focus on the thing that God has called us to do.  We must also rest when our body tells us to do so.  You do not have to go 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  God even took a day off to rest, so should you.  When we become self-centered, we worry about the small stuff instead of doing God’s work, we become easily bitter or irritated, we trust ourselves more than God, we often lack compassion, and we are just too much for people to handle.  We must remain focused on Jesus and not ourselves.  We must take a moment to question why we are focusing on ourselves and not on God, then reorient ourselves back to God and His purpose.  When we become a performer, we focus on ourselves and our gifts and talents, we want the praise, we focus on achievement, and we do more than we really need to, which can lead to disappointment, shame, and guilt.  We must remember that it is all about God and not us.  We tell ourselves, “God gave me this talent or gift to us it for Him, not for personal gratification or satisfaction.”  We have to remain vigilant so that we do not get in our own way.


We must stay on course to avoid the dangers of the adventure.  To avoid the lose of certainty, keep your eyes on your purpose.  To avoid a personal faith crisis, keep your mind focused on God.  To avoid feeling abandoned, keep your heart trusting in God.  To avoid anxiety or emotional stress, keep your spirit in tune with the Holy Spirit.  Remember to have godly mentors, friends, and companions to help you as you go on your adventures.


When you do hit a danger on the adventure, get back on track.  To do this, you need to look for direction from God.  Remember your purpose and this will lead you back to God.  Read your Bible.  Pray.  Trust God, His Word, and His promises.  Focus on kingdom success and not your success.  Concentrate on honoring God, building His Kingdom, and blessing others.


As we journey for the Lord, we have to use our gifts and talents along the way.  Be sure that you are using your talents in a way that honors GOD.



This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III