Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Sermon Series Application...

I want you to begin your journey, but first you must know your purpose.


To help you understand your purpose, begin by reading this list of spiritual gifts…


Learn more about your purpose by taking this spiritual gifts inventory…


Got Purpose?  Explore this more by taking the S.H.A.P.E. Test…


Since we are all called to build up the Body of Christ, you need to understand your calling.  Learn more by taking this Kingdom Strength test…


Once you learn your purpose, pray, and then get active in church.



This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.



Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III