Sunday, August 13, 2023

Walking on Water: Embracing the Risk Worth Taking


Today, we gather to explore a profound lesson from the scriptures, a lesson that resonates deeply with the challenges we face in our own lives. In Matthew 14:25-33, we find the account of Jesus walking on water and Peter's daring step onto those same tumultuous waves. It is a story of faith, courage, and the undeniable truth that sometimes, the risk is worth it.

Confronting the Fear

Our lives are often filled with storms—troubled waters that threaten to overwhelm us. Just as the disciples battled against the raging sea that night, we too encounter moments of uncertainty and doubt. Yet, we must remember that it was precisely in the midst of this storm that Jesus revealed Himself, reminding us that He is with us even in the most challenging times. To embrace the risk, we must first confront our fear and acknowledge that Christ's presence surpasses any fear that may hold us back.

Stepping Out in Faith

When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water, he felt a surge of faith and asked to join Him. His request wasn't met with skepticism but with an invitation. And when he stepped out of the boat, he experienced the miraculous—the solid ground beneath his feet was the water itself. Likewise, our willingness to step out in faith, despite the uncertainties, allows us to experience the extraordinary. It is through bold steps that we realize our true potential and witness God's power at work.

Overcoming Doubt

As Peter walked on water, the winds grew stronger, and doubt crept in. He began to sink. However, even in his moment of doubt, he cried out to Jesus, who immediately stretched out His hand to save him. Our journey of embracing risk may also encounter moments of doubt, but like Peter, we must fix our gaze on Christ. Doubt can be transformed into a catalyst for deeper faith. By acknowledging our doubts and seeking God's guidance, we can rise above them and continue moving forward.

The Reward of Risk

As Peter and Jesus returned to the boat, the wind ceased, and the disciples worshiped, confessing Jesus as the Son of God. The risk Peter took, despite his temporary faltering, led to a profound encounter with the Divine. The risk was undoubtedly worth it. In our own lives, the challenges we face, the risks we take for the sake of God's calling, will lead us to an intimate relationship with Him. The reward of risk is an unwavering faith, a deeper connection with our Creator, and a life transformed by divine purpose.

Let us heed the lessons from Peter's bold step and Jesus' unwavering presence. Embracing risk requires confronting fear, stepping out in faith, overcoming doubt, and ultimately reaping the rewards of a life deeply lived in Christ. Remember, the risk is worth it. Let us face our challenges head-on, knowing that Christ is always beside us, ready to lift us up and guide us through. May our hearts be filled with the courage to embrace the risk and experience the extraordinary journey of faith that lies ahead.