Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Stepping Out in Faith: The Risk is Worth It


Today, we gather to explore a powerful lesson from the Scriptures, one that resonates deeply with our journey of faith. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 14, verses 25-28, we find the account of Jesus walking on water, and Peter's courageous step of faith. This passage teaches us that sometimes, embracing risk in obedience to God's call can lead to incredible blessings. As we delve into this story, let us reflect on how the risk is worth it when we place our trust in the One who holds the seas and the storms.

Recognizing Divine Invitations (Matthew 14:25-26)

The passage opens with the disciples battling a fierce storm on the Sea of Galilee. In the darkest hours, Jesus appears, walking on the turbulent waters. Fear grips their hearts, but Jesus reassures them, saying, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." This moment teaches us that divine invitations often come disguised as risky situations. When we face challenges that seem insurmountable, it is an opportunity to recognize God's presence and respond with faith, rather than succumbing to fear.

Responding with Audacious Faith (Matthew 14:27-28)

Amidst the storm, Peter dares to respond audaciously. He cries out, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." In that daring request, Peter exemplifies the kind of faith that seeks to step out of comfort zones, to take risks, and to move beyond the ordinary. Jesus' simple command, "Come," sets the stage for a remarkable act of faith. Similarly, in our lives, God often calls us to venture beyond what is familiar, to step into the unknown, and to trust Him completely.

Embracing Blessings Amidst Challenges (Matthew 14:29-31)

As Peter steps out of the boat, his faith is tested, and he begins to sink due to doubt and fear. But Jesus is quick to rescue him, stretching out His hand and saying, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Despite Peter's faltering, he experienced the extraordinary – he walked on water. This teaches us that even in the midst of challenges and setbacks, when we take risks in obedience to God, blessings abound. The risk of faith may come with moments of doubt, but Christ's outstretched hand is always there to lift us up.

As we contemplate this profound lesson from Matthew 14:25-28, let us remember that our faith journey is marked by steps of courage, audacity, and trust in our Savior. The risk is indeed worth it when we place our faith in the One who calms storms and empowers us to walk on water. Let us not allow fear to hinder us, but rather, let us embrace divine invitations with open hearts. May we step out in faith, even when the path is uncertain, knowing that God's blessings await us on the other side.