Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Stepping Out in Faith: Exhaling Doubt and Walking on Water


Greetings, dear congregation! Today, we gather to explore a powerful story from the Gospel of Matthew, found in Matthew 14:27-29. In this account, the disciples find themselves in a boat, tossed by the waves and battered by the winds. But then, Jesus appears, walking on the water towards them, saying, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid." Inspired by His presence and words, Peter dares to step out of the boat and walk on water. This story teaches us valuable lessons about exhaling doubt and embracing the life-changing power of faith. Join me as we discover how we can take bold steps forward in our faith, even in the midst of stormy waters.

Confronting the Storms of Doubt

In life, we often encounter storms of doubt that threaten to overwhelm us. They come in the form of fear, uncertainty, and the voices that whisper, "You can't." But just as Jesus reassured the disciples, He reminds us today to "take heart" and not be afraid. Exhaling doubt begins by confronting the storms head-on, acknowledging their presence, but choosing to trust in the One who is greater than any storm we face.

Stepping Out in Faith

Peter's response to Jesus' invitation to walk on water is a powerful example of stepping out in faith. He had the audacity to believe that with Jesus, anything was possible. As he placed his foot on the water, he experienced the miraculous. But as doubt began to creep in, he began to sink. Nevertheless, Peter's initial step reveals to us the incredible potential of stepping out in faith, of believing that we can do the impossible when we fix our eyes on Jesus.

Embracing the Life-Changing Power of Faith

Although Peter's faith wavered, Jesus immediately reached out His hand and rescued him. This act demonstrates the incredible love and grace of our Savior. It also illustrates the life-changing power of faith when we choose to embrace it fully. Exhaling doubt allows us to fully surrender to God's plans, to walk with confidence in His promises, and to experience His transformative power in our lives. When we breathe faith, we invite miracles to unfold and our lives to be forever changed.

As we conclude this sermon, let us remember that doubt is a natural part of our journey, but we have the choice to exhale doubt by breathing faith. Like Peter, we are called to step out of the boat, to confront our storms of doubt, and to embrace the life-changing power of faith. As we fix our eyes on Jesus and walk with unwavering trust, He will always be there to catch us when we stumble. So, dear friends, let us exhale doubt, take bold steps in faith, and experience the miraculous hand of our loving Savior.