Sunday, June 4, 2023

Exhaling Doubt: Breathing Faith in the Storms of Life

Exhaling Doubt: Breathing Faith in the Storms of Life

Today, we gather to explore a powerful message of hope and resilience found in the pages of Matthew 14:22-26. In this passage, we witness the disciples facing a stormy sea, gripped by fear and doubt. However, as we delve deeper into their story, we discover the transformative power of faith and the importance of exhaling doubt to embrace the calmness that faith brings. Let us embark on this journey together, as we learn to breathe faith and conquer the storms that arise in our own lives.

Stepping Out in Faith

The disciples find themselves in a boat, battling the fierce winds and tumultuous waves. Their circumstances mirror the storms we face in our own lives—times of uncertainty, fear, and doubt. But amidst the chaos, Jesus appears, walking on the water. Peter, filled with a glimmer of faith, steps out of the boat and begins to walk towards Jesus. His initial step is an act of exhaling doubt and embracing faith. It is a reminder that true growth and progress happen when we dare to step out of our comfort zones and trust in the power of faith.

The Grip of Doubt

However, as Peter walks towards Jesus, doubt starts to cloud his mind. He takes his eyes off the Savior and focuses on the raging storm. Doubt has a way of captivating us, pulling us away from the steadfastness of faith. When we fixate on our problems instead of the solution, doubt gains a stronger hold on us. It is vital to recognize the grip of doubt and consciously choose to exhale it by redirecting our focus back to our unwavering faith in God.

The Power of Exhaling Doubt

In the midst of the storm, Peter cries out to Jesus, "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30). Jesus immediately reaches out and rescues him. This powerful moment illustrates the importance of exhaling doubt and calling upon the strength and grace of our Savior. It is through our surrender to faith that we find the power to overcome the challenges that threaten to engulf us. Exhaling doubt allows us to fully embrace the transformative power of God's love and provision.

As we conclude this sermon, let us remember that the storms of life will inevitably come our way. Doubt will knock on our doors, seeking to disrupt our peace and shatter our faith. But just as Peter exhaled doubt and walked towards Jesus, we too can find solace and courage in the arms of our Savior. By breathing faith, we release doubt and embrace the calmness, strength, and resilience that faith brings. So, my dear friends, exhale doubt and inhale the unwavering belief that God is with us, even in the fiercest storms.