Sunday, January 2, 2022

Embracing the Journey

 This year, the theme God has given me for the church is… EMBRACING THE JOURNEY.


God has called each of us to a work and completing that work will take us on a JOURNEY.  We will have various ADVENTURES that we hope are FUN.  We must be determined to fulfill the PURPOSE God has for our life.  Our FAITHFULNESS is key to embracing, completing, and fulfilling the journey that we are on and the purpose God has designed for us.


You will have to trust God when you face ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN, while heeding godly and sound WISDOM.  We have to maintain our HOPE in Jesus, who will give us the VICTORY as we complete the work.


The focus scripture for the year is Isaiah 30:21 (NASB)… “Your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”  This verse reminds us that our steps are ordered and when we hear God’s voice to follow directions.


Our sermon series this month will be Embracing the Journey.  The sermons this month will focus on following your journey, accepting the good and bad of your journey, trusting God on the journey, being entrusted with the journey, a reminder that we are on a journey for the Lord, praising and worshipping on the journey, as well as recording the journey by writing things down.  We will have a revival featuring Pastor Darvine Jacoby where he will talk to us about Trusting God on the Journey from Proverbs 3:5-6.


Join us for our January sermon series and focus on embracing the journey with us.


This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Be Blessed.
Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III