Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Embracing Risk: Stepping into the Promised Land


We often find ourselves standing on the edge of new opportunities, facing unknown territories that beckon us to step forward. Just like Joshua and the Israelites were poised to enter the Promised Land, we too are called to venture into uncharted waters. As we explore Joshua 1:7-9, we'll uncover valuable insights that remind us that the risk is worth it when we trust in the Lord.

Be Strong and Courageous (Joshua 1:7)

My beloved congregation, God's message to Joshua is just as relevant for us today. He commands Joshua to be strong and courageous, not once, but three times! This is a powerful reminder that our journey may be filled with uncertainties, but when we anchor our faith in God's promises, we find the strength to face any challenge. Embracing risk means recognizing our fear, yet choosing to step forward with unwavering faith, trusting that God will lead us through.

Meditate on the Word (Joshua 1:8)

In a world consumed by noise and distractions, God instructs Joshua to meditate on His Word day and night. Similarly, as we venture into the unknown, we must keep God's promises and teachings at the forefront of our minds. The risks we take are not reckless leaps but purposeful steps rooted in God's guidance. When we immerse ourselves in His Word, we gain the wisdom and discernment necessary to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

The Lord is With You (Joshua 1:9)

Brothers and sisters, the most reassuring truth lies in God's promise: "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." The risks we take are not undertaken alone; the Creator of the universe journeys with us. When we acknowledge His presence, our fear diminishes, and our confidence soars. The uncertainties of the journey fade away in the light of God's unwavering companionship.

Just as Joshua and the Israelites embarked on a risky journey to possess the Promised Land, we too are called to embrace risk with faith, courage, and trust in our Almighty God. The path ahead may be uncharted, but with each step we take, we are met with divine strength, guidance, and an unwavering promise of His presence. Let us remember: the risk is worth it when our faith is grounded in the One who holds our future. So go forth, my fellow believers, into the glorious adventure that awaits, for the risk is indeed worth it!