Sunday, June 11, 2023

Stepping Out in Faith: Exhaling Doubt and Embracing God's Power

Today, we gather in the presence of the Lord to explore a powerful message of faith and courage found in Matthew 14:30-33. This passage recounts the moment when Peter, in a display of unwavering faith, steps out of the boat to walk on water towards Jesus. However, as doubts begin to cloud his mind, he begins to sink. Yet, even in his moment of weakness, Jesus extends His hand and saves him. Today, we will delve into the lessons we can glean from this story and discover how we too can exhale doubt and embrace the life-transforming power of faith.

The Call to Step Out

In the midst of a tempestuous storm, the disciples spot Jesus walking towards them on the water. Filled with awe and faith, Peter dares to ask, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water" (Matthew 14:28). His audacious request signifies a call to step out in faith, to leave behind the safety of the boat and venture into the unknown. We too are called to step out of our comfort zones, releasing the grip of doubt and embracing the incredible possibilities that lie before us.

The Grip of Doubt

As Peter walks towards Jesus on the water, he begins to notice the strong winds and the crashing waves. Doubt creeps into his heart, causing him to waver in his faith. In that moment, he takes his eyes off Jesus and focuses on the storm. Doubt has a way of distracting us from the source of our strength and causing us to sink in fear and uncertainty. It is crucial to recognize the grip of doubt and redirect our gaze back to the unwavering faith that holds us steady.

Exhaling Doubt, Inhaling Faith

When Peter begins to sink, he cries out, "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30). In that instant, Jesus reaches out His hand and rescues him. This pivotal moment teaches us the importance of exhaling doubt and inhaling faith. By releasing our doubts and surrendering to God's power and grace, we invite Him to work miracles in our lives. Exhaling doubt allows us to fully embrace the transformative power of faith and experience God's steadfast love and provision.

As we conclude this sermon, let us remember that doubt is a natural part of our human experience. However, we have the power to exhale doubt and inhale the unwavering belief in God's promises. Like Peter, we are called to step out in faith, trusting that God will sustain us even in the midst of life's storms. So, my dear brothers and sisters, let us exhale doubt and embrace the life-transforming power of faith, knowing that when we focus on Jesus, He will keep us afloat and guide us safely to the shore.