Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Pleasing God: Exhaling Doubt and Breathing Faith


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, today we gather with hearts open to the transforming power of faith. Our Scripture passage, Hebrews 11:6, reminds us, "And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." In a world filled with doubts and uncertainties, let us explore how we can exhale doubt and breathe in faith, ultimately pleasing our loving Heavenly Father.

Believing in God's Existence

Faith begins with a fundamental belief in the existence of God. As we exhale doubt, we can inhale the certainty that our Creator is real, loving, and actively involved in our lives. Our faith is not built on blind speculation but on the evidence of His creation, the truth of His Word, and the testimony of His faithful followers throughout history. By embracing this foundational truth, we open our hearts to experience His transformative presence.

Trusting in God's Faithfulness

Exhaling doubt requires trusting in God's faithfulness. He is a God who keeps His promises and rewards those who earnestly seek Him. We can find assurance in His unwavering character and the countless ways He has proven His faithfulness in the lives of His people. Let us breathe in the truth that God is trustworthy, even when circumstances seem bleak. By trusting in His faithfulness, we unlock the fullness of His blessings and experience His abundant provision.

Wholeheartedly Seeking God

To exhale doubt and breathe in faith, we must wholeheartedly seek God. Faith is not passive; it requires an active pursuit of our Heavenly Father. It involves seeking His presence, studying His Word, and aligning our lives with His will. As we earnestly seek Him, we cultivate a deeper intimacy with our Creator, discovering the beauty of His plans and purposes. In our seeking, we find the strength to overcome doubts and experience the abundant life that He has prepared for us.

As we conclude this sermon, let us be inspired to exhale doubt and breathe in faith, seeking to please God in all we do. By believing in His existence, trusting in His faithfulness, and wholeheartedly seeking Him, we position ourselves to experience His transformative power and walk in alignment with His divine will. May our lives be a pleasing offering to Him as we continually exhale doubt and breathe in the unwavering faith that pleases our Heavenly Father.