Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Prayer: Rest in Him and Be Transformed

Dear God, we come to You today seeking rest and transformation. We are burdened by the weight of our struggles and longing for a deeper sense of peace and purpose. We turn to You, our source of comfort and strength, and ask that You lift the weight of our burdens and fill us with Your grace and peace.

Help us to take on Your yoke, Lord, and to trust in Your guidance as we undergo transformation. Give us the courage to follow Your will for us and the power to fulfill Your purpose in our lives.

We thank You for Your unconditional love and acceptance of us, and we ask that You continue to sustain us and empower us as we rest in You. Transform us, O God, into the people You have created us to be, filled with grace, peace, and a deep sense of purpose.

We pray this in Jesus' name.
