Thursday, January 6, 2022

Accept the Good, Accept the Bad – That’s the Journey

The Facts of Life theme song exemplifies the journey we are on…

“You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life.”

The song lyrics provide a glimpse into life, but also the journey.  You have good, you have bad, you have to find out what everything is all about.  That is the journey.  You have to show that you are growing and you understand the journey.  You have to understand the journey.


The journey will be fun, exciting, treacherous, hard, discouraging, pleasant, tedious, interesting, motivating, fascinating, remarkable, attractive, boring, dreary, monotonous, humdrum, and more.  The most important thing to remember is… we have HOPE that is written in 1 Thessalonians 1:3 (NASB). If we constantly keep in mind that our work of faith is a labor of love and that we can persevere in hope because of our Lord Jesus Christ who is in the presence of our God and Father we will be successful.


On the journey we will make mistakes, make bad decisions, make wrong turns, and just plan mess up.  But, that is okay… that is a fact of life and it is a fact of the journey.  Even the Apostle Paul wrestled with this as he tells us in Romans 7:19 (NASB)… Even when I want to do the right things and do good, I do not do it.  I end up doing the wrong thing that I was trying not to do.


In the moments that we do things we want to forget, remember Romans 8:8 (NASB)… you cannot operate effectively on the journey if you are in the flesh.  So, as you travel from place to place, from moment to moment, and from adventure to adventure – focus on God as Hebrews 3:1 (BSB) tells us… Therefore, holy brothers, partners in a heavenly calling, keep your focus on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession.


God will tell you where to go as Isaiah 30:21 reminds us.  God will give us what we need as Philippians 4:19 tells us.  God will also give us people for our journey to encourage us and build us up as 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says.


Accept the journey wholeheartedly and everything that comes along with.  It is all a part of God’s plan.


If I may rephrase the last part of the Facts of Life theme song… You got the future in the palm of your hand, all you gotta do to get you through is understand. You think you rather do without, you will never make through without the truth… the journey is all about you completing the work God has for you.


This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.

Be blessed,
Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson , III

