Monday, January 31, 2022

Worship is Required on the Journey

 Pastor Coran preach another excellent Word of God to emphasize that..

Just as praise is important, worship is a must.  1 Chronicles 16:23-25, 29 (NASB) speaks specifically to this… Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim good news of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods.  Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him; Worship the Lord in holy attire.


You must worship on the journey.  When you worship on the journey, you will remind yourself that you need God.  It will change your negative attitude.  You can center yourself on Jesus.  You will align your heart to God.  It will authenticate your faith.  You can surrender to God.  You can acknowledge the holiness of God.  It will honor God, as well as help you live holy.  Above all else, you will remember God’s promises to you.


On the journey…

  • Listen to worship music
  • Sing worship songs
  • Praise God out loud
  • Keep a gratitude list or journal
  • Pray constantly
  • Read your Bible regularly
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit
  • Confess your sins often and repent
  • Serve others at your local church and in the community
  • Give to your church and others
  • Be excited about your journey and your purpose



This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.





Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Write It Down

Pastor Coran reminded us to write it down.

Psalm 102:18 tells us to write things down. “This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.”


Get a notepad or journal and a pen so that you can write about your journey.  Keep a record of what happens, who you talk to, how you feel, what you go through, your successes, your failures, your praises and thanksgiving. Take pictures of great moments.  Write your thoughts out and anything that helps you on your journey.  Write down instructions from God.


Keeping a record is important.  When you write things down, the Holy Spirit can bring things to your memory.  You can see what you’ve learned.  You can see how you’ve grown.  You can see how far you’ve come.  You will have a record of the journey that shows God’s blessings so that others will know what God has done and they can praise God for what He has done.


Be creative, write the vision, and share your journey with others.



This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.



Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III

Monday, January 24, 2022

Praise is What to Do When on the Journey

Pastor Coran preach an excellent Word of God to remind us...

Praise is important.  As Psalm 9:1-2, 11 tells us. I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. I will rejoice and be jubilant in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion; Declare His deeds among the peoples.


You must praise God on the journey.  When you praise God on the journey, He will fight for you, protect you, and renew your spirit.


You must praise.  When you praise, you show your gratitude to God, your faith in God, focus on heavenly things, see your blessings, make miracles possible, and you can be inspired.


On the journey…

  • Lift your hands and praise God.
  • Sing songs of praise.
  • Give God praise and thanksgiving.
  • Praise God in a dance.
  • Listen to praise music.
  • Clap your hands in praise to God.
  • Fellowship with others so you all can praise God together.
  • And always meditate on God!



This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.




Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III

Thursday, January 20, 2022

We’re on A Journey for the Lord

When we go on a trip, we are usually excited.  We get our stuff together, make plans, pack, get the car ready, get our planes tickets, get the cameras set, and smile freely.  We are happy and eager to go. We should be just as excited because we are on a journey for the Lord, if not more excited.


But, when on the journey for the Lord, we need more than excitement.  We must be prepared.  We need to have our bags packed, our tickets gathered, our route settled as best we can, our people all together and given their assignments, and have our resources ready.  We must be vigilant.  We must pay attention to everything about the trip, no matter how minute we fell that it is.


We must pray and ask God about our destination, route, and excursion.  Judges 18:5-6 (NASB) reminds us of this very fact. Then they said to him, “Inquire of God, please, that we may know whether our way on which we are going will be successful.”  And the priest said to them, “Go in peace; your way in which you are going [a]has the Lord’s approval.”


We must read the Bible to get good directions.  The Word of God is a lamp to show us where to go and a light to guide our path.


We must pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions about our journey, while we are on the journey, and as we face obstacles on the journey.  We have to be attentive to these same things in the people who are on the journey with us.  All of these items can side track us if we do not notice them, acknowledge them, and address them.


We must prepare for the unexpected, ask for directions when we feel lost, put away negative thinking, invite the Holy Spirit on the journey, put on the whole armor of God, stay focused on the purpose of the journey.  Above all else, stay focused on God’s promises.


We are on a journey for the Lord, so be vigilant, celebrate the journey, and enjoy the journey.  God expects all of this from us.


Remember… this is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III

Monday, January 17, 2022

Entrusted with the Journey

It is amazing to know that someone trusts you.  Whether it is with a prized possession, an important task, a beloved family member, or a precious secret; it feels good to be trusted.  But, you must know how to handle that trust.


God trusts you with this journey.  With all the tasks, assignments, steps, turns, roads, trails, and all the other things that go with it.  God believes that you are capable of being reliable.  He trusts you with the people that join you on this journey.  He trusts you with the resources that He will give you on this journey.  Trust and believe, God will give you all you need on the journey.  Your duty is to be responsible with all of this and take care of the journey, the tasks, yourself, your people, and your resources.


Ezra 8:1 (NASB) tells us how to navigate the journey… “Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, to humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him a safe journey for us, our little ones, and all our possessions.”


Before you begin the journey, pray and seek God’s guidance, fast to be and stay connected to God, and seek wise counsel that is godly wisdom that is trustworthy.  These steps are vital to understand how you are to handle all that you are responsible for on this journey.


Stewardship is key to the journey.  You are responsible for managing God’s property.  HE gave it to you, so do what is right with it.  Your stewardship impacts your eternal destiny.  You will have to give an account of all the resources you wasted when you stand before God.  You are responsible for sharing your talent, treasure, and time with others, so they understand your journey and your dream, as well as to be a blessing to the kingdom of God.


Be responsible for the people who journey with you.  You must pray for and with them.  You must lead them wisely.  You must love them as God would.  You must treat them with respect and honor who they are as a person.


Be responsible with your resources God gives you on this journey.  Pray about how to use them.  Manage them wisely. Do not be wasteful.  Be sure the people on the journey with you know the purposes of the resources so they do not waste them.


Be responsible with your time on this journey.  Pray about how to spend your time wisely.  Manage your time judiciously.  Do not waste your time.  Remember to rest when you need it.  Be mindful of the time of the people who are on the journey with you.  Have some fun.


You have been entrusted with this journey, these people, and these resources by a God Who knows HE can trust you.  Use them wisely and protect them carefully.


Remember… this is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III

Friday, January 14, 2022

Run Your Journey with G.R.A.C.E.

Inspired by revival sermon by Pastor Darvine Jacoby


G.R.A.C.E. stands for…
God, Reason, Action, Commitment, and Expectation

Hebrews 1:1-2 (NASB) speaks volumes… Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let’s rid ourselves of every obstacle and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 

You cannot go on this journey without G.R.A.C.E.


First, you need GOD.  You need Him on the journey.  Since He has you on this journey, He needs to be there with you, leading and guiding you.  He has designed it especially for you and He knows what is best for you.


You need to remember the REASON why you are on this journey.  Keeping the reason foremost in your mind will help you complete the work that God requires of you to do.


Each step of the way you must take ACTION and do what you are asked and assigned to do.  You cannot be stagnant while on your journey.  Get up, do something, get active, and do what God has called you to do.


Be COMMITTED to the purpose of your life, journey God has you on, and tasks God has asked you to complete for Him.  You have to be dedicated to the activity, job, purpose, journey, tasks, and more God has called you to.  DON’T QUIT!  Keep moving no matter what.  IF you have a setback, acknowledge it, reflect on it, learn from it, and get back on track.  Don’t wallow in self-pity.  If you get stuck or overwhelmed, refer back to the REASON.


Have EXPECTATIONS of yourself, the people with you, and most importantly God.  Remember, Philippians 1:6 (NASB) - For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.  Expect God to lead you.  Expect God to provide for you.  Expect good success just as Joshua did in Joshua 1:8 (NASB)… be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will achieve success.


You must have G.R.A.C.E. on this journey to be successful.

Remember… this is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III

Monday, January 10, 2022

Trust God on the Journey

When on the journey, it will be long and difficult.  It will be this way at times because God doesn’t always give you a full timeline and view of the journey.  He doesn’t tell you all the ins and outs of the journey.  He doesn’t show you everything.  This can be frustrating and discouraging.  There may be times you want to give up because of this.


You must TRUST GOD.  He will be with you until the work He began in you is finished.  Philippians 1:6 (NASB) says, “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.  God always finishes what He starts.  He will complete the work in you.


When you get weak, tell God how you are feeling.  He already knows what you’re feeling, but telling Him will help you feel better.  Talk to Him.  HE wants to hear what you have to say.  He wants to know your heart.  He understands your feelings more than you do, anyway.  Cry out to God.  Ask Him for His help as it says in Psalm 105:4 (NASB) - Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.  Be humble in everything you do.  Thank God for all that is good as 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NASB) reminds us… “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  And always, Keep God as your FOCUS.


To keep yourself on task while on the journey, remember to pray, read your Bible, and remember what God promised you.


We can be confident on this journey… GOD STARTED YOU ON IT… HE WILL FINISH IT!


This is your journey.  Have a FUN ADVENTURE, filled with JOY.  Focus on your PURPOSE.  Remain true to your FAITHFULNESS.  Trust God through the ANXIETY, FEAR, GRIEF, and PAIN.  Adhere to godly WISDOM.  Maintain HOPE in Jesus, and you will have the VICTORY.


Pastor Samuel Bailey Wilson, III